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歌手:Zach Bryan
Tradesman - Zach Bryan
Lyrics by:Zach Bryan
Produced by:Zach Bryan
No one on this side of town
Knows a good place for a boy to drown
And look at me so strange when I talk
I wish I was a tradesman
Learnin' from some beat down old layman
On some hillside they ain't named yet
Sleepin' next to mountain fire smoke
And everyone lately's scarin' me
It's all backdoor deals and therapy
And the only callous
I've grown's in my mind
I wish I was a tradesman
Playin' with some tuned up tired string band
Somewhere out by the badlands
Way past closin' time
So if you wanna trade
I'd say it's a hard earned mile
Wanna sweat like hell
Throw a hammer down
And know the old feelin' of a five o'clock smile
And know I didn't take no easy way out
Something more that I need
And acting lack in sympathy
For tea and in the summer hill
Alway smoke big ciggars
Give me something
I can fake the rich boy
As can man if you lack
Something new taken
Take a go down I'm your not star
If you wanna trade
I'd say it's a hard earned mile
Wanna sweat like hell
Throw a hammer down
And know the old feelin' of a five o'clock smile
And know I didn't take no easy way out
Everyone latly scared me
So bad go did you use tharapy
The only case I have gone in my mind
[00:00.42]Tradesman - Zach Bryan
[00:00.85]Lyrics by:Zach Bryan
[00:01.40]Produced by:Zach Bryan
[00:19.00]No one on this side of town
[00:21.25]Knows a good place for a boy to drown
[00:23.68]And look at me so strange when I talk
[00:28.60]I wish I was a tradesman
[00:30.43]Learnin' from some beat down old layman
[00:33.02]On some hillside they ain't named yet
[00:35.06]Sleepin' next to mountain fire smoke
[00:47.86]And everyone lately's scarin' me
[00:49.89]It's all backdoor deals and therapy
[00:52.66]And the only callous
[00:53.79]I've grown's in my mind
[00:57.52]I wish I was a tradesman
[00:59.13]Playin' with some tuned up tired string band
[01:02.10]Somewhere out by the badlands
[01:04.75]Way past closin' time
[01:08.91]So if you wanna trade
[01:10.16]I'd say it's a hard earned mile
[01:14.89]Wanna sweat like hell
[01:16.23]Throw a hammer down
[01:20.62]And know the old feelin' of a five o'clock smile
[01:26.03]And know I didn't take no easy way out
[01:44.28]Something more that I need
[01:46.38]And acting lack in sympathy
[01:48.79]For tea and in the summer hill
[01:50.90]Alway smoke big ciggars
[02:03.02]Give me something
[02:03.93]I can fake the rich boy
[02:06.13]As can man if you lack
[02:07.74]Something new taken
[02:09.54]Take a go down I'm your not star
[02:15.47]If you wanna trade
[02:16.55]I'd say it's a hard earned mile
[02:21.48]Wanna sweat like hell
[02:22.84]Throw a hammer down
[02:27.20]And know the old feelin' of a five o'clock smile
[02:32.70]And know I didn't take no easy way out
[02:50.73]Everyone latly scared me
[02:52.95]So bad go did you use tharapy
[02:55.99]The only case I have gone in my mind



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